Michael Rich

     I was bitter, judgemental and lazy. And most of all, LOST. Addicted to porn and very lonely. Searching for identity in drugs, sex and money. I eventually met the love of my life at a young age. I started to edge God out of my life in pursuit of my worldly desires. One failed engagement, countless fights, one abortion and an ego shattering separation 3 years after marks the end of my life before I asked Christ into my life.


    I had just split up with the woman I wanted to share my life with forever... and still do. I had come to the end of my old self and hit rock bottom. I was lonely, lost and seeking comfort that I had never found in 21 years of living. I reached out to God when I stepped into Central and I have been improving every day ever since.



    I have now learned the importance of forgiveness, perspectives, honesty/integrity and purity. I am far from perfect (and always will be) but I have a hope.. an undying and forever perserverant hope that has never left me... even when I try to abandon it foolishly. I have grown tremendously and sometimes don't recognize myself in the mirror anymore. I am now saved and have a new purpose for my life.. sharing unconditional love with everyone I meet.